What has led to the increase in the use of wood for various purposes such as industry, woodworking and even construction, is technological advances in wood processing and the production of a wide variety of products from this natural material. For example, finger joint rubber wood is one of these products that has been able to create a huge change in wood products.
Certainly, those who work in the construction of all kinds of wooden buildings and furniture know how much the use of proper wood affects the final result of the work. In this article, we will talk about the plate of finger joint rubber wood and its uses.
How Is a Plate of Finger Joint Rubber Wood Made?
A finger joint is actually a plate made of very small, rectangular pieces of wood. The reason for naming such wooden boards as finger joint plates is that the small wooden boards are connected by the finger method. To make such plates, the trees must first be cut into small pieces of exactly the same size, and then these pieces will be connected by fingers.
Finger joint boards are made of different types of wood, but finger joint rubber wood is very popular and in fact, has high efficiency. But why use rubber wood to make finger joints? We will explain the answer to this question in the following.
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Features of Rubber Wood for Making Finger Joint Plates
To make finger joint plates, you have to use a type of wood that has a very high resistance. Rubber wood is one of the hardwoods of the tropics, also known as a natural rubber tree because of its high flexibility. Among the most important features of this wood can be mentioned the following:
- High flexibility has made this tree known as a natural rubber tree.
- Hardwood
- Excellent Paintability
- Having a beautiful natural color that can be seen in light colors.
- Very easy cutting
- High resistance to insects
- Ability to evenly and quickly dry the wood to make finger joints
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Features of Finger Joint Plates
Each wood product has its own characteristics based on the type of wood used in them and the method of construction. Rubber wood is mainly used in making finger joints. This is why this product is commonly known as Finger Joint Rubber Wood. The most important features and characteristics of finger joint boards are:
- These boards are made entirely of natural wood. So you can be sure that there is no need to worry about storing food in wooden containers made with finger joints and they are not carcinogenic.
- Although finger joints are made entirely of wood since finger joints have a high resistance to rot, moisture and insects, you can easily use them in the kitchen without having to worry about wood getting swollen due to wetting.
- When making finger joints, rubber wood is treated in such a way that all their edges are removed from the sharp state and by polishing, the plate will be created completely smooth and shiny.
- Finger joint rubber wood has a very high hammering ability and if a container collides with these wooden plates, you will hear the least possible noise.
- High resistance of finger joints against heat and humidity, compatibility of these wooden boards with nature due to the use of natural adhesives and the possibility of using finger joints to make a variety of wooden structures, are other advantages of such boards.
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The Most Important Applications of Finger Joint Rubber Wood
Each wood product will have a different range of applications depending on its characteristics and properties. Finger joint rubber wood Plates are used for the following:
- Manufacture of wall coverings and flooring for buildings
- Design and manufacture of wooden doors and stairs
- Construction and design of wooden tables, cupboards and shelves
- Using finger joints to make cabinet tops
- Using finger joint Rubber wood to make decorative items
- Application of finger joint in Marquetry
What Should Be Done to Maintain the Finger Joint Wood?
As you can see, there are many uses for finger joints. From decorative items to wooden doors and windows and stairs, are the most important applications of such wooden panels. Since finger joints have a long life and are made of natural materials, so it is quite logical to be very popular among people.
Although finger joint wood is very resistant to changes in temperature and humidity, you should use a soft cloth to clean it and not spill chemical detergents on them, as this will cause serious damage to the wood panels. Of course, if an oily or colored adhesive is spilled on the finger joint wood and after cleaning with a soft cloth, the stain still remains on these wooden plates, you are only allowed to use the finger joint special cleaning materials.
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The Difference Between Finger Joint Wood and Plywood
- The first difference between these two boards goes back to their structure. To make finger joint plates, small rectangular pieces of wood are used, which are connected by the finger method. But in making plywood, the wood must first be cut into thin sheets and then layered with special glue.
- Rubber wood is usually used in making finger joints. But there is a lot of variety in terms of hardwood and softwood in finger joint plates. Such a feature can also be seen in Plywood. Plywood is also made of hard and softwoods based on their application.
- Finger joints and plywood boards also differ in terms of performance. Plywood boards, in addition to having the applications of finger joint plates, are also used in other fields such as boat building, train building, petrochemical industry, aircraft manufacturing and even car manufacturing.
Is finger-jointed lumber strong?
Both finger-jointed and sawn studs are strong enough for short-term bending or tension loads (from wind, earthquakes, and impact, for instance), but not for long-term exposure.
What is the difference between a box joint and a finger joint?
Sometimes confusingly referred to as “finger joints”, box joints are best for joining two frame or carcass members to form a corner. With a series of evenly sized pins and notches spaced along the length of a corner, box joints form simple but attractive exposed connections.
The quality of the chosen wood for furniture, interior decoration and exterior application, not only determines its durability, but is also very important from an aesthetic point of view.
Finland Wood Company with a team of experienced specialists in the field of recognizing different types of wood, are ready to offer you a variety of wood products. For consultation from our experts, you can call the company numbers or use the online chat service of the website.